Petro Ninja Help Center




The line tool (press 3 for quick access) can be used to create complex shapes with multiple vertices. Close the shape by clicking on the first vertex or keep it open by double clicking or pressing Escape. If you set a non-transparent fill color, once the shape is closed, the area will be filled automatically. You can select an existing line feature and close it by dragging the last vertex to the first one or vice versa. You can add a new vertex by double-clicking anywhere on the line and remove any vertex by double-clicking it directly.

The arrow tool (4) works the same way the line tool does but adds an arrowhead to the last vertex.

The text tool (7) allows you to add labels. Press Shift + Enter to start a new line. Press Enter or Escape or click away to finish editing. When the text tool is enabled, you can click an existing text feature to edit it. Clicking it with the selection tool enabled will allow you to move or rescale it instead.


The drawing interface opens with the selection tool enabled by default. You can always re-enable it by pressing 1. Hold Ctrl to select/unselect multiple features one by one, or hold Shift to select multiple features by dragging a box around them. Press Ctrl + A to select all features. Press Esc to unselect everything. All selected features can be moved or rescaled.


Press Ctrl + Z to undo the last action, and Ctrl + Y to redo it.

Press Ctrl + C to copy selected features, and Ctrl + V to paste them. The pasted features will be centered at the cursor position.

Hold Alt while using the rectangle or circle tool to draw from the center outward. You can also hold Alt while resizing selected shapes to keep them anchored at the center.

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