Petro Ninja Help Center
Importing Lists of License Numbers
Importing Lists of License Numbers
In the Library, there is a button called "Create List" which opens up a dialog box. From here you can paste in a list of well license numbers. The license format accepted by Petro Ninja requires the the province code included in order to distinguish licenses between provinces. The license number also requires all leading 0s.
Example license numbers:
UWI = 100/06-27-072-05W6/00, PN License = AB0162959
UWI = 100/12-32-079-18W6/00, PN License = BC08711
UWI = 191/15-21-008-18W3/02, PN License = SK09L139
The list of all license numbers not found is available through the menu by selecting the bell.
All well events associated with the license number are returned. For a list of 100 license numbers, you may see more than 100 UWIs in your list.
The video below imports a list of license numbers from the Alberta Orphan Well List (
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